Our Impact

  • We are continuously improving our local water quality. The 70,000 plus oysters we harvested our first year filter 15-20 gallons of water a day, totaling approximately 500 million gallons per year.
  • By creating jobs and maintaining agreements with other local businesses and restaurants, the local economy is stimulated.
  • By working closely with DNR, we hope to establish an area where we can reutilize and redistribute the discarded oyster shells around the Hudson’s restaurant property to create a natural and safe habitat for more oysters. This is especially important to the Lowcountry because the area has very little hard substrate for oysters to attach to and therefore the vast majority of oyster larvae die. 
  • The Lowcountry now has a sustainable alternative to wild oysters. This ensures people will continue to enjoy our local oysters—which have an unrivaled and much celebrated flavor profile due to the consistency of our water’s salinity content.